Dear Friends and Colleagues,
After many months in the planning stages, the Autism training film 'A Hitchhikers Guide to Autism' is now coming to fruition. Filming took place last Thursday in the beautiful city of Lincoln in front of an invited audience of parents, professionals and students.
Everybody at People First Education would like to thank (in no particular order) the following individuals and organisations without whom this event could not have taken place:
Stuart McMorran from Fuse Design Ltd Nottingham
The Filming and Production Team at Blueprint Media
Vicky Fossett Illustrator and Artist
Matthew Pyburn ICT, Organisation and Logistics
Dr Claire Thomson from Bishop Grosseteste University College
Welton Kids Club
The Showroom Conference Centre Lincoln
and all those who attended the event
We now begin the lengthy task of post production and editing. It is hoped that the film will be available by September 2011