Visual and Auditory Social and Behavioural strategy for Teaching and Support Staff working with learners with Autism, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD and related conditions.
The aim of this fun, informative and effective workshop is to provide each delegate with a deeper
knowledge and understanding of the needs of a range of learners and provide the skills necessary to
create appropriate interventions.
This course will cover the following:
• Why learners with Autism and Asperger Syndrome (ASDs) need Social Stories and other Visual
Interventions and how they can benefit from them.
• An overview of the ASD impairments, how they apply to Social Stories and Visual Interventions and
understanding how they work.
• How to communicate effectively in order to enable social and emotional understanding.
• How learners with ADHD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia and related conditions can also benefit from these
types of intervention.
This training is supported by film footage, case studies and workshop activities during which each
delegate will learn to:
• Use visual communication tools to aid social and emotional understanding.
• Create differentiated, age and level appropriate ways of writing and presenting quick, efficient and
accurate Social Stories and other Visual Interventions.
Choice of dates and venues:
Wednesday 27th February 2013
Holiday Inn Express
1 Priddys Yard, Off Frith Rd,
Croydon CR0 1TS
Thursday 28th Feb 2013
Latton Bush Centre
Southern Way,
Harlow, Essex CM18 7BL
Wednesday 6th March 2013
National College for School Leadership
Triumph Road,
Nottingham, NG8 1DH
Thursday 7th March 2012
The Source, Meadowhall Way,
Sheffield, S9 1EA
Tuesday 12th March 2013
St Hild and St Bede’s College,
Durham, DH1 1SZ
Wednesday 13th March 2013
Holiday Inn, Castle Street,
Hull Marina, HU1 2BX
Thursday 14th March 2013
Premier Inn, Manchester Trafford Centre
West Old Park Lane,
Manchester, 17 8PG
Tuesday 19th March 2013
Holiday Inn Riverlights, Morledge,
Derby, DE1 2AY
Tuesday 23rd April 2013
Premier Inn, The Haymarket,
Bristol, BS1 3LR
Wednesday 24th April 2013
Big Sleep Hotel, Wellington Street,
Cheltenham, GL50 1XZ
Cost for this course is usually £225 + vat, however if you enter the
online code PFE1977 in the
"your message" section of the online booking form you will be charged the
reduced cost of £135 + vat. You can register online at