Recommended Resources
Monday, 11 February 2013
ADHD/ADD Attention Deficit Hyperactive Impulsive Disorder Day Course
Strategies for the effective inclusion of learners with for educators and/or support staff, designed to successfully include learners with ADHD.
• An overview of how the impairments affecting learners with ADHD/ADD may cause barriers to learning (What is ADHD? The key features of ADHD). This will include an investigation into the triggers which may cause negative behaviour.
• Meeting the educational needs of the learner with ADHD. Some interactive activities and simple and effective strategies designed to meet a range of needs based on the impairments.
• Strategies and interventions for adapting the sensory environment to meet the behavioural needs of learners with
• Strategies and interventions for including and integrating the learner with ADHD/ADD.
• A range of Visual Interventions and how they can benefit from them.
• An investigation into the type of language and presentation suitable for the needs of learners with ADHD/ADD.
• Promoting positive behaviour through effective practice including guidance for effective behaviour management strategies.
This training focusses on the understanding that learners with these conditions may communicate/present differently to neurotypical learners but can still achieve their potential with the implementation of appropriate interventions enabling colleagues to take the perspective of the learners as well as having a portfolio of strategies.
Choice of dates and venues:
Wednesday 12th June 2013
Holiday Inn
1 Priddys Yard, Off Frith Rd, Croydon CR0 1TS
Friday 14th June 2013
Latton Bush Centre
Southern Way, Harlow, Essex CM18 7BL
Cost for this course is £175+vat. You can register online at: